Start programming with Go/Golang / Set up environment

Set up environment

Setting Up Golang Environment: A Beginner’s Guide

Golang (or Go) is a fast, efficient, and open-source programming language designed by Google. If you're starting your journey in Go, the first step is setting up your development environment. This guide will walk you through everything you need to get started, from installation to running your first Go program.

Step 1: Download and Install Go

1.1 Downloading Go

Head to the official Go website and download the appropriate installer for your operating system:

  • Windows: .msi file
  • macOS: .pkg file
  • Linux: .tar.gz file

1.2 Installing Go


Double-click the .msi file and follow the instructions. By default, Go will be installed in C:\Go.


Run the .pkg file and follow the steps. Go will be installed in /usr/local/go.


sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.x.x.linux-amd64.tar.gz

This will install Go to /usr/local/go.

1.3 Add Go to the PATH

After installation, ensure that Go is in your system’s PATH. This allows you to run Go commands from any directory.


Open Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.

Under "System variables," find the Path variable, click Edit, and add C:\Go\bin to the list.

macOS & Linux

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

Save and apply the changes:

source ~/.bashrc   # or source ~/.zshrc

1.4 Verify the Installation

To ensure Go is installed correctly, run:

go version

This should print the installed Go version.

Step 2: Set Up the Workspace

2.1 Create a Go Workspace

Choose a directory where you’ll keep all your Go projects. You can name it go or any preferred name:

mkdir $HOME/go

2.2 Set GOPATH

The GOPATH environment variable points to your Go workspace.

macOS & Linux

export GOPATH=$HOME/go


Go to Environment Variables and create a new user variable named GOPATH, set its value to your Go workspace path (e.g., C:\Users\YourUsername\go).

2.3 Verify GOPATH

go env GOPATH

Step 3: Your First Go Program

3.1 Create a New Go Module

Starting with Go 1.11, you can manage dependencies using Go modules. Create a new project directory inside your workspace:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/hello
cd $GOPATH/src/hello
go mod init hello

3.2 Write Code

Create a new file main.go inside the hello directory:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, Go!")

3.3 Run the Program

go run main.go

You should see the output:

Hello, Go!

Step 4: Go Tools and Editors

4.1 Go Command-Line Tools

Go comes with a suite of useful tools:

  • go run: Compiles and runs the Go program.
  • go build: Builds the binary without running it.
  • go fmt: Formats the code according to Go's style guidelines.
  • go get: Fetches and installs packages.
  • go test: Runs tests.
  • go mod: Manages modules.

4.2 Recommended Code Editors

Visual Studio Code

Install Visual Studio Code (VSCode). Install the Go extension by Microsoft from the Extensions Marketplace.


Goland by JetBrains is a dedicated Go IDE offering an advanced debugging experience and various development features.

Sublime Text / Atom

Both support Go with extensions.

Step 5: Common Go Development Practices

5.1 Linting

Use golint to ensure your code follows best practices:

go install

Then run it:

golint ./...

5.2 Testing

Testing is crucial in Go development. Go has an in-built testing framework:

  • Write tests in a file ending with _test.go.
  • Use go test to run them:
go test ./...

5.3 Version Control

It’s essential to use version control for any programming project. Go has excellent support for Git. Initialize your repository:

git init

Step 6: Keeping Go Updated

To stay up-to-date with the latest features and security patches, check for new versions regularly and install them from the Go download page.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up your Go development environment and written your first Go program. As you continue your journey, you'll find Go’s simplicity and performance make it a powerful tool for building modern applications. Happy coding!