Start programming with Go/Golang / Why go?

Why go?

Go (often called Golang) is an open-source programming language created at Google. It was designed to be efficient, concise, and easy to use. But what makes Go such a popular choice among developers? In this article, we’ll explore the key reasons why you should consider using Go for your next project.

1. Simplicity

Go’s simplicity is one of its strongest features. It was designed to be easy to learn and use, with a clean syntax that allows developers to focus on writing clear and concise code. Unlike many modern languages that can be complex and have a steep learning curve, Go takes a minimalist approach, making it perfect for both beginners and experienced developers.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

As you can see, a simple "Hello, World!" program in Go requires just a few lines of code, which makes it easy to pick up and start coding quickly.

2. Concurrency

Go was designed with concurrency in mind. In modern computing, where tasks often run in parallel, Go’s built-in concurrency model using goroutines and channels makes it easy to build scalable, concurrent systems without the complexity found in other languages.


Goroutines are lightweight threads managed by Go's runtime. They allow you to run multiple functions simultaneously without much overhead.

package main

import (

func printMessage(msg string) {
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)

func main() {
    go printMessage("Goroutine 1")
    go printMessage("Goroutine 2")
    // Give goroutines time to finish
    time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)

With just the keyword go, you can run functions concurrently. This is especially useful for applications that require parallel processing, such as web servers and distributed systems.

3. Performance

Go is a statically-typed, compiled language, which means it offers excellent performance. Go programs compile down to native machine code, eliminating the performance overhead that is common in interpreted languages. With Go, you get the speed and power of languages like C and C++, but with the simplicity of a higher-level language.

4. Built-in Tooling

Go comes with a rich set of tools built into its ecosystem. These tools simplify development and help maintain code quality without needing to rely on third-party software.

  • go fmt: Automatically formats code to Go standards.
  • go build: Compiles your program to a single binary executable.
  • go test: Runs unit tests and benchmarks.
  • go mod: Manages dependencies through Go modules.
  • go doc: Generates and displays documentation from your code comments.

5. Strong Standard Library

Go’s standard library is comprehensive and robust. It includes packages for common tasks like handling I/O, networking, cryptography, web servers, file handling, and much more. Most tasks can be completed without relying on third-party libraries, making Go a powerful and practical language for building production-ready applications quickly.

6. Cross-Platform Development

Go is cross-platform, which means you can write code on one operating system and compile it for another without making changes. This makes it an excellent choice for building software that needs to run on multiple systems, such as web applications, APIs, and cloud-based services.

7. Growing Ecosystem and Community

Go’s popularity has been growing rapidly, which has led to a thriving ecosystem of frameworks, libraries, and tools. Popular frameworks like Gin and Echo make web development in Go fast and simple. The large community ensures there are plenty of resources, tutorials, and open-source contributions to help you on your Go journey.


Go’s simplicity, performance, and powerful concurrency model make it a top choice for developers looking to build modern, scalable applications. Whether you’re working on a web service, API, or distributed system, Go provides the tools you need to write clean, efficient, and high-performance code. It’s a language that grows with your needs, making it an excellent investment for the future.